Tuesday 30 December 2014

My First Blog - Intro, Pinterest


This is my first time as a "blogger". I still need to figure out how this works. For some time I have been thinking about starting my own blog. I am not really familiar with the concept and I don't follow any blogs but I have stumbled on some from time to time. I am not much of a writer. While writing this I notice that I hate to use the word "I" all the time. I guess I don't like to refer to myself so often...

I used to be a gamer and I am used to write in games. Quick, short sentences, abbreviations, no caps for every beginning of a sentence, not typing complete words. Basically raping the english language and I don't care about that. I am already getting tired of this. The idea of a blog is probably to write a nice story in correct grammer and to add a photo here and there. But I guess thats not me. forget about it. i write how i want. do what i want. dunno if someone will ever read this anyways. and if you don't like it, why are you still reading?

nine years ago i got fibromyalgia. it changed my life. this is another reason i dont like to write. my hands hurt all the time. cant type much because of it.

been editing my first couple of posts now i begin to understand how this blog thing works and what the hell i am doing. been trying to write some good constructed sentences, with perfect grammer. but this intro is mine. so u can forget about me being bothered about this too much. besides english is not my native language although is just as easy to write like a mongrol in dutch :D ok nuff said about this, 
made my point. i figured out to put widgets of my pin accounts. pretty cool. gonna publish this intro again. dunno if thats considered spamming. but who cares.


What made me start this blog is Pinterest. I am a newbie but I am already addicted to it. I have so many idea's on subjects I want to collect pictures of and also about what I want to do do with them.

Initially I started collecting by theme and color, but I made a second account for my interest in art, creativity, photography, architecture, culture, people, nature and so on. My boards on Pinterest will reflect my interests.

I want to place pictures on this blog that I need to cut to create taller pins. So there u have it, my main reason to start this blog.


Feel free to pin my stuff although most isn't mine. I don't know the source of all my pins but I will credit and link to the website whenever I have this information. I don't claim any ownership of these pictures, except over the ones I took myself.

Please leave me a message if you know the source of uncredited pictures, so I can give proper credit or if you are the rightful owner and like to have your work removed. Contact: babs.drinks.water@gmail.com

Babs ༺♥༻ Pins by Color ♡♥♡

Babs •▼• Pins by Art ⌑△⌑

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