Saturday, 3 January 2015

My Pinterest Group Boards - You are invited!

About my Pinterest Group Boards


You are invited to join my Pinterest group boards! That is, if you do not get discouraged by my explanation of how I like to work. Please make sure to read about the rules further in this post if you intend to join. Thank you for your interest.

How I work with themes and colors

I like my boards to show as a collage of pictures. Nice to look at and scroll through. To keep them from being chaotic I add 3 to 10 pins of the same theme (so not just a single pin).

I have one theme board for any theme you would like to share. Let's say the theme is bedrooms, then you have to add 3 to 10 pins of different bedrooms to this themed board. After that you can share 3 to 10 pins of a new theme. And so on.

I like my boards to show variety on themes. So if bedrooms were shown recently, you have to pick a different theme.

Then I also have boards on theme AND color. Let's say that you like red shoes. Then you have to add 3 to 10 pins of different red shoes to the red themed colorboard. Green shoes would go to the green themed color board. And so on.

There are many shades of the same color. So it is not about sharing pictures of the pure raw colors.

A theme is basically a subject you like to search on. Or maybe you have pins to share from your own boards.

These are my Group Board

My latest pins are shown here. Please visit my boards to see all the pins that are collected there.

Follow Pinterest's group board Favorite Themes on Pinterest (press F5 to see board impression).

Follow Pinterest's group board Themes of Colorful, Rainbow Colors on Pinterest (press F5 to see board impression).

Follow Pinterest's group board Themes of Purple on Pinterest (press F5 to see board impression).

Follow Pinterest's group board Themes of Blue on Pinterest (press F5 to see board impression).

Follow Pinterest's group board Themes of Green on Pinterest (press F5 to see board impression).

Follow Pinterest's group board Themes of Yellow on Pinterest (press F5 to see board impression).

Follow Pinterest's group board Themes of Orange on Pinterest (press F5 to see board impression).

Follow Pinterest's group board Themes of Red on Pinterest (press F5 to see board impression).

Follow Pinterest's group board Themes of Brown on Pinterest (press F5 to see board impression).

Follow Pinterest's group board Themes of Black on Pinterest (press F5 to see board impression).

Follow Pinterest's group board Themes of Grey on Pinterest (press F5 to see board impression).

Follow Pinterest's group board Themes of White on Pinterest (press F5 to see board impression).


1. Always add 3 to 10 pins of the same subject you chose.
  • 10 is not an exact number, if you find a couple of more nice pins you like to add that is also ok. It is just to give you an idea of how the board works. 3 pins is the minimum, because it has to be a themed board, not a collection of random pins.
2. Check the board before you pick a theme
  • Before you start pinning, you have to check the board to see what was pinned previously, because I like variety on the board. 
  • If the previous pinner pinned less then 10 pins of a theme (s)he picked, you could also decide to add some pins from (his)her theme.
3. Pick the right color board.
  • It is about the overall impression an image gives. Surroundings also play a role.
  • It is about shades of color. So the color range is big.
  • Example: a picture of a brown bear with all grey surroundings Then rather pick the grey board instead of the brown board. Unless the brown color would be really dominent, then add it to the brown board. It does happen that pictures would fit either board, then you pick which one you like to add it to.
4. Keep it neat.

  • Only add beautiful pictures that are nice to look at.
  • Keep an eye on the overall look of the board, do not hesitate to rearrange your pins or remove them if they do not seem to fit after all.
  • Use short descriptions.
  • No nudity, obscenities or advertising.
  • I reserve the right to remove any unwanted pins.


Of course it is up to you to decide which boards you would like to join. If you like the color and theme idea, just let me know to what color board(s) you would like to be invited to. Just leave a comment on my pin.

I could also invite you to the themes only board, then you dont have to think about color.

If you think it's too much of a hassle then I understand. You could just join and see how it goes. Just share whenever you feel like sharing. Or not join at all. It's up to you.

I know it is a long story and most people are not used to pin in this way. I hope you understand what I am trying to create and didn't get discouraged to join my goup boards!

I am looking forward to hear from you so we can build some nice boards together :)

Tip for newbies: All group boards you join, will also be shown on your own profile. You can easily rearrange the boards on your profile by dragging them to where you want them to be.

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